Making use of the longevity research
Timing matters
Effective longevity supplementation should be taken in a manner that respects the natural time course of various physiological processes, pharmacokinetics and biochemistry in our bodies.
For example, recent studies have shown that taking large amounts of antioxidants every day may be suboptimal, as the body needs to experience oxidative stress once in a while to improve it's ability to adapt. Too much of antioxidants in fact can cause a reductive stress. So, for example on days when one is exercising it's better not to take them. On the other hand, on stressful days that generate lots of free radicals (ROS) taking more of antioxidants may be a good idea.
Similarly, senolytics are most effective when used not every day but in hit-and-run fashion, i.e. a few days per month only.
Vitality (NAD+) boosters can improve vitality very quickly when taken in larger doses (e.g. 1000 mg per day), but need to be used with care as they deplete some resources (methylation pool) that are necessary for various vital processes such as brain function (e.g. for production of serotonin).
Below (coming soon) we describe some carefully formulated schedules that are in line with research-based dynamics of relevant factors. Gradually building layers of supplementation over a period of a few months is a preferred strategy for adopting our basket of supplements.
Disclaimer: no information on this website can be construed as a medical advise and is intended to be used as an educational resource. Consult your doctor before considering the supplements available through this site.